Ever get frustrated by sitting in agonizing meetings and nothing
gets resolved? We all have and nothing is more discouraging. Solutions to
problems cannot always be made during the meeting but an action plan leading to
a solution can and should be developed before the meeting is adjourned. It is
the responsibility of the person chairing the meeting to facilitate the
development of the plan.
The plan itself can be quite simple. Usually between three and five
actions can easily be defined to pursue. If more are recognized as important,
some may be put into a “holding pen” until other more important actions are
The action statement may be the definition of the problem as known
at the time. This will undoubtedly change as progress is made and a better
understanding of the real problem is revealed. The statement of importance is
necessary because people naturally are more productive when they know the
importance of their work. Defining how progress will be measured is key to know
when the task is on the right path and also when the task is completed so the
individual and/or team assigned to it can go forward to other actions.
The objective needs to be defined before the meeting is adjourned so
that agreement is reached among interested parties of what is to be
accomplished. Then, someone has to step up and take responsibility for
achieving the results, to be the leader of the action. Finally, a targeted
completion date needs to be determined so the activity does not drag out
Action Plan
Why is this important?
How will we measure it?
Completion Date
Completing the action may take several forms. The solution to some
problems is so obvious once the problem is identified; the leader only needs to
“just do it”. Others may be likened to low-hanging fruit where minimal
investigation or data gathering is necessary to find the best solution. Others
may require more work and in that case, the seven-step problem solving process
developed by Japanese academicians can be used.
Step 1.a is to define the problem. It is best to do this in
pencil because what we think is the problem may not be the real problem when we
dig deeper. 1.b is to collect data and portray it in chart form to prove that
the problem is real. Step 2 is to examine the current situation from several
points of view; typically different times, places, types, and symptoms. Again
this data should be displayed in chart form. It is at this point that I usually
have to rewrite my problem statement.
Step 3.a is to analyze all possible causes that can be
identified in a brainstorming exercise and then form our hypothesis as to the
leading cause. Step 3.b is to collect data to prove that our hypothesis is
supported and we have identified to best cause to address.
Step 4 is usually the easiest step, act on the cause,
because if we have done our homework correctly in the previous steps, the
proper cause of action is now obvious. Step 5 is to collect data as in step 1.b
and compare to prove that our action is producing favorable results. If not, we
have to go back to resetting our hypothesis as to the root cause of the
Step 6 is to standardize the changes to make sure they are
implemented throughout the organization. Step 7 is to draw conclusions and
analyze what was learned that could be applied elsewhere.
Next comes the most important activity of the action process
and that is follow-up by management. We have gained nothing if the plan is
allowed to languish and become forgotten. Periodic follow-up will keep
attention on the actions and they can be completed and people allowed to move
on to other activities. Human nature drives us to get results if we know our
progress is being observed.
The prognosis is not good for organizations that allow
problems to smolder and not get resolved. Developing an action plan and
following up on progress can make our lives easier and work more satisfying.