Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Focus on Achieving Life Goals

“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.”
Author unknown
You will probably reach the peak of your career at about the age of 60 and at that time your personal life will be well defined. To accomplish what you desire in life, both in your work and home perspective, to make the most of your talent and ability, you need to identify and clearly define those goals and make sure they are in sync with each other. Then plan how to get there, prepare to succeed, and execute your plan.
One way to identify your ultimate goal in career and personal life is to find a quiet place where you can think and reflect. Close your eyes and picture yourself at the peak of your career, both in a work setting and in your home. What would that picture look like? What would you be doing? What people are with you in that picture? What would make you happy? Then document every detail in that picture or pictures.
Now that you have identified your goals in life, plan the best path to get there. Include personal life and career life together as both are important and need to be planned together. What type of organization offers the best path and what do you need to do to reach your family dreams? Define specific action items that provide the best approach to accomplish both dreams. Make sure you have timetables for these action items. If you find yourself straying from the path or lagging the timetable, re-examine your dreams and if they are still the same, take action to get back on your plan and timetable.
Next you need to prepare yourself to reach your dreams. You can define what education would be needed. You are never too old to go back to school and acquire that basic education. Then ask your self what training you would need for each step in your action plan. Acquire training to excel in your present job and to prepare you for the next step. Also, identify what training would help you become a better family person and seek that out.
To execute your life plan, seek to excel in everything you do. Don’t waste time in work positions and personal situations that don’t help you reach your goals. Ensure the values of your organization and personal contacts are consistent with yours.
As a side note, when interviewing to hire people, it is useful to determine if the present opening fits their dreams. If not, no matter how good they look for the present job, they will probably not be a good fit for the long run.

Having said all of this, it is important to remember to be flexible and adjust as you learn and grow. Technology, times, and our desires change over time but armed with the above, you are better able to adjust and move forward.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Do Results Justify Improvement Efforts?

“I wish Quality was easy; unfortunately it is a hot and sweaty job!” Dr. Noriaki Kano of the Science University of Tokyo often made this statement to emphasize that performance improvement is not easy. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to excellence. Are the results of this extra effort worth it? An objective evaluation from three perspectives is useful to document the value of efforts expended versus results. Keep in mind that we are not talking about “quick fixes” but sustainable, long-term results.
Customer Perspective
The efforts are probably not worthwhile if they are not apparent to the customers. Surveys, focus groups, and face-to-face meetings can be used to measure reliability, performance, timeliness, value, defect levels, complaint resolution, etc. Additional internal data can be collected on retention of customers, gains/losses of customers, warranty costs, service costs, and number of complaints.
Workforce Perspective
Trade, industry, or local data can be accessed to compare to data from your organization to measure workforce perspective. Factors to be considered are turnover, safety, absenteeism, employee satisfaction, grievances, and organizational and personal learning.
Business Perspective
Key financial measurements such as return on investment (ROI), return on assets (ROA), revenue, profit and loss, cash flow, and growth are important and easy to measure but are not the only important measurements. Collection times, write-offs, budget tracking, societal responsibilities, meeting key objectives, and compliance with environment, legal, and government requirements are also important to measure.
Because change is gradual, benefits of performance improvement efforts are not truly appreciated unless objective evaluation measures are in place. Armed with this data, organizations can evaluate their achievements. If the return on investment in time and effort are deemed worthwhile, they can re-dedicate themselves to continue their journey to performance excellence and advance to the next level.

No task is quite so “hot and sweaty” when you can see beneficial results.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Strengthen Your Workforce

“Your employees are not assets to be bought and sold, but treasures that must be preserved at all costs.”
W. Edwards Deming would use this statement to make a point about the fact that you have made a big investment in hiring, training, coaching, and enduring mistakes while employees are in the learning phase of the job. Rather than writing off that investment, if you have an employee whose performance is not up to your expectations you are should investigate why. Have they been put in poor processes or systems, have they been given adequate training, are they unqualified for the job, etc. As the manager, you hired them and are responsible for them being in that position, so if they are a total misfit you should find them a position where they can do good work, whether it is in your organization or not. Deming and others agreed that 90% of the time, it is not the employees fault.
It is interesting to look at a matrix comparing workforce capability to process capability. If we have a low process capability coupled with a low workforce capability, the organization will struggle and the future looks bleak. If we have a high process capability matched with a low workforce capability, the organization will coast and get by. If we have a low process capability coupled with a high workforce capability, we have a situation of instability where the employees are dissatisfied, frustrated, and likely to jump to another job at the first opportunity. If we have a high process capability matched with a high workforce capability, we are on the high road to success.
Many of the previous columns of Basic Business Cents dealt with the 90% category and were focused on process improvement. In this article we will focus on the workforce element. To achieve that high capability ranking, we need to examine four elements of the focus on workforce-Environment, Development, Engagement, and Management.
Workforce Environment
Looking at the environment, first and foremost it must be safe; safe from physical harm and safe from mental harm like harassment and bullying. The employee should be secure that the organization is as loyal to the employee as the employee is to the organization. To that end, management and co-workers must be supportive and helpful.
Organizational values should be consistent with the personal values of the employees so that they are comfortable and proud of what they do. A former employer once offered a seminar titled, Work/Life, taught by a psychologist and was all about getting your work life and personal life in sync with each other. It was probably the best seminar that I ever attended.
The position and the organization should fulfill the employees’ social need or responsibility of being worthwhile to society. The organizational direction or aim should be consistent with that of the employee. It is helpful if the organization provides recreational and cultural activities that build teamwork throughout.
Last but not least the employees should see clear career opportunities that lie ahead.
Workforce Development
Performance is due in a large part to basic education, skills training, coaching, ability, and motivation. Education opens up our mind and makes us curious about learning more. We should never stop learning our entire life, as the world continues to change around us. Training should be formal and consistent and followed by coaching to ensure the implementation of lessons learned is correct. The organization needs to have a regular system of sharing knowledge throughout the organization. Skill training should not only be for the present job but for the next one, which has been identified as a possibility by proper career counseling. The employee should practice new skills and consider learning as a part of daily work. The employee’s ability should have been identified during the hiring process. Motivation comes from within and needs to be viewed by management as what can be done to provide more satisfaction and pride in work so as to create intrinsic motivation. Attempts to provide extrinsic motivation rarely succeed and can backfire.
Workforce Engagement
The employees’ are more likely to be engaged in their work as we stated previously if they have consistency with their work/home life, if they get great satisfaction from their work, if they take pride in meaningful work, and get joy and happiness from their efforts. Mutual trust and respect, up, down, and across the organization are necessities for a highly capable workforce. They should be customer focused, both on internal and external customers.
The employees should be provided with clear direction, both for the organization and their position so that they understand their role in achieving the company’s goals.
Constant innovation and flexibility in the work tend to make it more exciting and interesting.
Workforce Management
In order to achieve high workforce capability, management must do their part. They need to be honest, fair, consistent, and committed to the employees’ wellbeing. They should act consistent with the organization’s strategy and action plans. They should be effective in problem and grievance solving.
Prior to the employee’s placement in the position, management must have good human resource planning and hiring practices to avoid mistakes. As mentioned above, these mistakes are very costly. Once hired, management must be committed to the employee’ success.
Proper focus on the workforce as outlined will result in more engaged, satisfied, and versatile employees that stay with your organization.